Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jesus has called all followers to two great tasks,to proclaim the good news,and to help those in need.I have found that whenever we become  sidetracked with "defending the faith" as it applies to a theological point of vew   by others of the faith ,Satan makes off with the herd. Let us forever keep our eyes on the target.The great commission Is to go make disciples, not go make disciples,and by the way make sure you defend the faith, against other believers, on a  none salvation issue.   LET ME  REPEAT THAT,ON A NON SALVATION ISSUE!!!!!!!!!!!!  in your eyes they may be airing brothers,but in GODS eyes you might be the airing one. in the parable of the two men at the temple witch one was it that was justified! lets get on with being about the masters work. I am sure that the LORD is able to defend his word with out our help.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I lost my buddy yesterday.My sidekick.I drive a big rig,when I would come home off the road he was always there to greet me at the door.Until I married my wife I did not think much of cats,I have always been a dog man.But little by little we grew to be very close.I have found cats to be very loving animals.I had plans later on to take him with me. this may seem pretty silly a truck driver mourning the lost of a pet cat.He gave me his love without any conditions,and he had mine  in return.the house seems empty without him here to meow at me when it was time for lunch,or when i would call his name he would hop up in his favorite chair.I WILL MISS HIM.